When we are called on for development, we are at our best. The most value we can provide to any client is to be involved from start to finish. A successful development project needs to proceed seamlessly from concept to occupancy. Having Summit handle all steps along the way will ensure a smooth process without any major missteps.
Working with our team of experts we can control every facet of the development process and ensure that everything stays on budget and on schedule. Having various companies responsible for individual scopes of work can create a lot of poor communication and finger-pointing when things go wrong. Summit takes those typical challenges out of the equation.
In an ideal situation Summit would take the project from feasibility all the way through occupancy and handle all of the following scopes of work:
Financial feasibility and analysis
Conceptual Plans
Environmental Analysis
Civil Engineering
Occupancy and Management
Need a solution? We’re ready to provide solutions.
We are commited to your success. It’s not just a line, it’s our mission — we’re as good as it sounds.